Hoosier Voters will be mailed a postcard this week from the Indiana Election Division, through a process called “Voter List Maintenance”. If you have moved, watch your mailbox! You don't want to be purged from the voter rolls!
>> Not sure what address you are registered at? Check your voter information at https://indianavoters.in.gov/
First postcard
The Office of the Indiana Secretary of State will first send a postcard to every registered voter at the address on file for them. (See the sample postcard below.)
If you receive the postcard and it has your name on it and your correct address, you don't need to do anything.
However, if the name is not yours, you are asked to write "return to sender" and put it back in your mailbox.
Sample of what the postcard will look like.
Second postcard
If the first postcard is returned as undeliverable, a second postcard will be sent to that registered voter at the forwarding address on file with the U.S. Postal Service.
The second postcard will ask the voter to confirm or update their address or cancel their Indiana voter registration using a postage pre-paid voter response card.
If that postcard isn't filled out with your new and correct information and mailed by Aug. 21 (and received by the Indiana Election Division by Aug. 27), you will not be able to vote without re-registering!
Postcards that are returned to the office as undeliverable will be used to identify outdated voter registration information.